LOCAL ARTISTErica Bartholomae

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Her blueprints are made using fynbos and flowers from the local surroundings

Erica has worked as a creative freelancer and designer for over 20 years.

She is inspired by botanicals and is always most moved by poetry She strives to create an image that has has only the least amount of clues to it but that the viewer is still able to know with certainty what they are seeing.

Erica’s romance with the colour blue began shortly after she had her first son. Cyanotypes are created by hand coating the paper with a chemical solution and then exposing it to sunlight, ostensibly camera-less photography.

Her blueprints are made using fynbos and flowers from the local surroundings – those grown in her garden, colourful village or on the mountainside. Erica works in an unusual ‘free style’ manner, so without the use of glass to create layered and nuanced works on both fabric and paper.