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I am an artist you know is my right to be odd.   Bucchianeri


We have to take risks with art. If we don’t, it all becomes a bit boring.

Julie Walters


When it comes to art, it’s important not to hide the madness.

Ordinary is never beautiful. To be beautiful, you must be weird, different, strange.         Jerico Silvers



“The more intelligent, the less sane.”

George Orwell



             By capturing a sense of place an artist can perhaps escape

 The avant-garde painter Ch’eng Hsi said: an artwork is not only an open window for the viewer’s  eye, it is also an object for the viewer’s mind…

  The sense of place in art can be about a space, or a sense of belonging, or a specific geographical point. It can cover many physical forms, yet also many emotions and senses. It could be a place where we grew up or where we are right now. It might even exist only in our minds.

With this theme we wanted to inspire artist to capture a sense of place in any form of

”  “-scape art:




mindscape etc

Works could either be representational or expressive and executed in any medium and size.


cadeau (gifts of nature)

Cadeau:  french or Dutch word for gift
In afrikaans kado
On the one hand it is a timely and appropriate theme for the festive season, but more importantly we wanted the artists to be inspired by the gifts of nature.  And gallery visitors to be touched by the beauty that lies in the intricacies, but also the in the simplicity of nature.

“A human being is a part of the whole, called by us “Universe,” a part
limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and
feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion
of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting
us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to
us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our
circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of
nature in its beauty.”

Albert Einstein



blooming marvellous

To bloom: to produce or yield blossoms; to make bloom or cause to flourish and thrive

The aim of this exhibition was to make participating artists feel inspired by the upcoming spring

 and Rupi Kaur’s words: “Bloom beautifully dangerously loudly (or) bloom softly. However you need, just bloom.”

If you would like to receive an exhibition catalogue, please send a Whatsapp to 066 370 2479


figure out

 f i g u r e    o u t

Figure… the figurative in art is a representational portrayal as used in anatomical drawing or portraiture

in contrast

abstract/expressive art is without figure, nonrepresentational and considered more emotive in nature …but most people will still try to ‘figure it out’…

In figure out we gave artists the opportunity to work either figuratively (live drawing/ portraiture) or fully abstract. Or to try their hand at both

Exhibition opening was on 8th of June @ 18h00.



Bruise Gallery hosted a collective exhibition of selected smaller artworks in time for the approaching
festive season. All Overberg artists were called to submit 2-3 smaller works in any medium priced under
a R1000. The exhibition had works by more than 15 Overberg artists:

Andrew Hofmeyr,  Anne de Goede,  Carey May,  Cherie Prins,  Erica and Martin Bartholomae,  Gabriela Slegrova,  Gloria Zimmerman,  Glynn Erasmus,  Haidee Nel,  Hanja Badenhorst,  Margie Erasmus,  Maria le Roux,  Mark Matthysen,  Rosemary Dunn,  Sally Myburgh.

The different mediums of selected works were oil, acrylic and watercolour painting, cyanotype on paper,
ceramics, photographic prints on paper.


Bruise Gallery Opening

Bruise Gallery hosted its opening exhibition on a Thursday evening 1st September 2022 at 18H00.  It was attended by local guests as well as guests from afar who could meet all participating artists that were present on the evening.  The exhibition had works in different media:  painting, photographic works on paper, sculpture and jewellery.



Bruise Gallery hosted an exhibition entitled Crush which opened in  February, the month of love (with a twist). It contains collaboration of works dealing with matters of the heart…romantic, poetic, sometimes raw, but with most works open to interpretation.

Artists who took part were Ann Pretorius, Carey May, Cherie Prins, David Julius, Gabriela Slegrova, Geoffrey Visser, Gloria Zimmerman, Haidee Nel, Hanja Badenhorst, Juanette Menderoi, Kathlyn Allan, Landia Davies, Louie Botha, Margie Erasmus, Maria le Roux, Mark Matthysen, Melani Jordaan, Rosemary Dunn.

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